Wednesday, January 4, 2012

8 Votes of Separation & Buh Bye Bachmann

Mitt Romney beats Rick Santorum by 8 votes.  Woo hoo!  He's on a roll now.  

Perry Tucks Tail,  Hightails to Texas to "reassess".  

Michelle Bachmann bows out in self-righteous style channeling Horton the Elephant  "I mean what I say and I say what I mean" and Prof. Harold Hill  'We Got Trouble Right Here in River City" which coincidentally takes place in I-O-WAY.  This woman can really yammer on.   She asserts the founding fathers wanted her to defeat Obamacare and Dodd-Frank among other things, and to "protect" us from Obama's socialism, our security, heterosexual marriage blah blah blah.

 If you want to waste another 10 minutes, here's the speech.  She's here for us.  

Newt in a snit.

Ron Paul & Rick Santorum...who cares?



  1. Farewell, Michele! Just another Minnesotan NOT from the 6th district who is happy to have that embarrassment fade from the national stage. Soon, I hope, though Kristin Wiig's dead-on impersonation last night on SNL was the funniest thing on the show.

  2. Yes.  Trouble is, there are fewer and fewer of us.  

  3. Oh, Ms. Bachmann is always good for a laugh...or a gag.

  4. the Iowa caucuses are entertaining and certainly a fascinating process.

  5. You know, I did reply to you yesterday.  It didn't post...

    All I said was "Yes, I am eating...thanks for the heads up."  (no pun intended)

    I've since decided not to google anything as I don't like icky stuff and you're making it sound that way.

    Happy New Year!

  6. Rick Perry came back here to Texas to assess his campaign.  
    Meaning, he needed to consult with others on where South Carolina might be located.

  7. Ooooo, I like you.  where have you been?  

    Never mind. I just hit your screen name and you are Expat from Hell. I know you! Thanks for the hilarity.

  8. I'm from Iowa, but I tend to agree with Huntsman when he said Iowans pick corn, not presidents. BUT the IOWA Caucus is fun for us in the bitterly cold winter months (except this year it is warm with no snow) Peace!

  9. I do NOT plan to watch her speech, but they tell me she never mentioned Minnesota, so maybe she'll stay away. I believe she hopes to be chosen as a VP candidate. In other words, she's still delusional.

  10. You are very kind.  I enjoy coming over here to visit.  After all is said and done, it was all good drama in Iowa, and far better than reality TV.  At least we don't have to put up with Kim Kardashian.  
    E pluribus Santorum?   EFH

  11. It's always so nice to visit a fellow traveler on the road to sanity. :-)

  12. God bless the Internet. I can't hear Rick Santorum's name without thinking of the term 'Santorum,' coined specifically for his homophobia. Google it if you don't know what I'm talking about. Hopefully you aren't eating lunch while you do this.

  13. Hi Sheila!  Thanks for your comment. You're right about Wiig's impression.  She has the voice down pat.

    3 of my closest friends are from MN.  And they're all blondes.
