Thursday, November 24, 2011

Muppets or Pepper Spray Cop?

The temptation to post a meme of "Pepper Spray Cop" in Norman Rockwell's iconic "Freedom From Want" painting seems just too crass today; a day when gratitude for what we all have should be paramount.

So, I'll go with the traditional, lesser known Rockwellian Thanksgiving images on my other blog "Empty Nest Evolution", and present The Muppet recreation of Rockwell's most famous work (IMO).



  1. Love it! I'm going to see the Muppet movie once the kids have gone back to school and I can enjoy it better. I love those guys. Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear friend!

  2. Peace and happiness to you California Girl- from Iowa!

  3. The real history of Thanksgiving is actually complex and dark from the Native American's viewpoint. And our shadow self marches on and finds new victims. But pepper spray our children? Horrifying. Even as I feel gratitude for my life and graces. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Well, I'm glad you included the link because it gave me a laugh/sigh/twinge of pissed-offedness. But I'm also glad you took the high road with the Muppets image. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

  5. Such restraint. Ah... you're a better woman than I. Now I'm off to your other blog. ;)

  6. There was a Sesame Street one I saw with Big Bird...

  7. Just going to show that, yes, everything is better with Jim Henson. Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. thanks for not doing the pepper spray meme - this is nicer and we have had enough of the pepper spray.

  9. ah behind here in the bloggyhood and just saw this great pic of the muppet a la rockwell!

    ms t and i saw the muppet movie today!!! great.....

    Mahna Mahna
    Do doo be-do-do
    Mahna Mahna
    Do do-do do
    Mahna Mahna
    Do doo be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do-doodle do do do-doo
