Monday, August 8, 2011

Trickle Down Economy

While in Florida last January, my husband toured the Panhandle which he described to me as a long drive's worth of construction halted mid-development and left to decompose in the hot Florida sun.  He was especially struck by the poverty stricken aspect of many towns whose citizens were most likely the blue collars workers and whose part-time residents the well-off folks with second homes.  

His comments are beneath this telling shot which you may double click to enlarge and read.


  1. That trickle is the poor getting pissed on by the rich.

  2. "United we stand..." doesn't seem to mean much anymore. I don't see how our country can survive with the wealth disparity only growing. The have-nots will rise up one day, and it won't be pretty.

  3. I don't find resignation baffling but I can't understand poor and working class people cheering on policies that are obliterating them.

  4. mermaid: yes they do and the middle class as well.

    mama zen: it's so blatant yet nobody seems to want to fix it.

    jayne: there's a new, just under 1000 page book out on England's view of our Civil War and the different sections of their country and member of Parliament of Commons siding with either our North or South, depending on their stake in either cotton or manufacturing. everything is based on greed and perhaps it always has been.

    mildred: welcome to my blog and thank you for the comment. appreciate your point. there is irony in the very people voting the Tea Party movement or wanting to re-install Conservative Republicans who have no interest in their interests.

  5. I really think the Depression that is coming will even-out the differences in our class system.

  6. Abe: I think so as well. I thought the recession would but perhaps there aren't enough people suffering yet. This makes me sound like I'm wishing for a Depression. I am not. I am wishing for the Haves to do their duty for the Have-Nots and quit acting like it's their own fault they are poor or "on the dole" or whatever euphemistic phrase they have for people who require social services.
