Thursday, June 16, 2011

Economics 101: Why Is the Economy Failing?

As always, Robert Reich makes sense of our predicament in simple layman terms. Why can't the idiots in Congress?



  1. It's not that those in Congress don't understand what's going on. It's that they're being paid for keeping it that way. I don't think anyone can turn the tide now, because people are so stupid and have such short memories that they always blame the wrong guy for their problems. Have you read Thom Hartmann's book "Screwed..." It gives a pretty thorough explanation of the decisions of the last 30 years that have led to where we are today. Love Reich.

  2. Yup! This dude just about says it all!

  3. Probably because the idiots in Congress don't understand it - or can't because their hands are tied by the lobbyists that put them in office.

    Enjoyed this.

  4. Jayne & Midlife: I know you are correct about the power of lobbyists. You know the old saying, "Money talks and bullshit walks."

    Linda: welcome and thanks for viewing the vid.

  5. Wow, Reich is so talented, he can even draw! I love this guy, and love his message. Thanks for posting. I might have to put this on my blog too.

  6. ....40% of the wealth of the country in the hands of the rich? sounds like you are on the way to a that what it will take?...let them eat cake.....

  7. Yep, as long as we keep willing to let them misuse our tax $$$$ (did you see the pensions they get? This needs to be looked into also, no wonder there's nothing left for this country, besides sending millions out of the country) or, as Eyore said: Oh bother ; (

    Cheers and Thank for the drive by ; )
