Monday, March 21, 2011

Now What?

Rebels want Qaddafi alive to face trial. Per HuffPost, they don't want any international forces to invade the country..."believe we can do it ourselves..." 

Japan's "worst crises since WWII." 

They know what needs to be done; question is, can they do it in time?

I hope this guy is right about the President's intentions but I'm not feelin' it.



  1. Re Japan, clearly a terrible disaster but still falls way short of the tsunami in Indonesia a few years ago. They'll get the reactors sorted. 1 and 2 are cooled, 3 is close and the radiation leak over a 9km radius is less than 1/25 of that received when you have a chest x-ray so no need to panic. As for Obama? A friend told me that he'd do this. He said that every Democratic president has engaged in a military confrontation although I saw on tv last night that the US despite having a larger presence over Libya will defer to the UN, French and British. We shall see.

  2. I like Douthat's points. "We" want to have all our ducks lined up to please just the right people and not overstep anything. While this is way better than the Bush policies, like he says, it can take forever to get the job done, and Qaddafi may end up sticking around, etc. I like the way he put it: "war and moralism are uneasy bedfellows . . . "

  3. Baino, thank you for the informative comment. Interesting take on Obama. There's another article I was reading that compared his actions to Clinton's in the early 90's. I am sick to death of war and our babysitting the world. It's not our job.

  4. Ruth, I love what Douthat wrote, I'm just not sure I think it's true. The idealist in me wants to believe it but the practical person says "Nawwwwwwww!"

  5. Now what indeed. It's also the first day of Spring and the fruit trees are blooming here and I'm just going to focus on welcoming it and starting my balcony garden. I sincerely pray for good outcomes elsewhere but I don't control any of it.

  6. Whatever life throws at, us we just have to get on with it. The Japanese people are going through a really bad time right now, but they have recovered before and will do again. They just need a lot of help.

  7. It is awfully hard to be positive and hopeful when the world is in such a state. But I'm trying!

  8. Here we are, over a week out now, from the earthquake and tsunami. It will take such an eternity for the cleanup and recovery, especially for the Japanese who have such a sense of esthetics and order. I know they can do it but it must seem so overwhelming. It all makes my complaints seem petty and unimportant.

  9. Here's a Canadian's perspective on US participation in this conflict, and its 'world's policeman' role. I found it quite interesting.

  10. So far, Obama has taken the long view. I'm optimistic.

  11. Grandmother: Can't blame you for shifting your focus to your garden. We still have snow on the ground.

    Star: You're right, we do. Red Cross, Doctors w/o Borders are receiving alot of donations for Japan now.

    DJan: Me too but it's getting harder.

    RNSANE: A fellow blogger,, writes of his Japanese wife's family and their grace under pressure. Well worth the read.

    Deborah: Thanks for re-sending the link to the "Canadian perspective":

    ArtSparker: I hope you are right. Later today, I'm will publish, with permission, an excellent post by another blogger I follow. He's a world news reporter.

  12. Grandmother: Can't blame you for shifting your focus to your garden. We still have snow on the ground.

    Star: You're right, we do. Red Cross, Doctors w/o Borders are receiving alot of donations for Japan now.

    DJan: Me too but it's getting harder.

    RNSANE: A fellow blogger,, writes of his Japanese wife's family and their grace under pressure. Well worth the read.

    Deborah: Thanks for re-sending the link to the "Canadian perspective":

    ArtSparker: I hope you are right. Later today, I'm will publish, with permission, an excellent post by another blogger I follow. He's a world news reporter.
