Thursday, February 3, 2011

"The Daily" app is here and I Don't Mean Jon Stewart's

Rupert Murdoch introduced "The Daily", his new virtual newspaper, yesterday.  The buzz on this has been mixed.  Alot of people like the idea.  Others question the content and changeability of that content because it is not, as one NewsCorp representative put it, "static".

I love the concept of a daily paper on an interactive tablet, in this case, Apple's IPad.  But further reading of this article indicates it will be another gossip heavy offering with the usual NewsCorp spin. 
"There is a growing segment of the population here and around the world that is educated and sophisticated but they do not read national print newspapers or watch television news," he said. "But they do consume media. And they expect content tailored to their specific interests anytime anywhere."
That's why I won't be buying The Daily app. 



  1. Too many choices like that would drive me crazy! I don`t know about your American customs of watching news on TV or reading newspapers. I read one called "Die Welt" every day, and we have pretty good news canals too. But I must admit these last days we have been watching CNN and Sky news covering the events in Egypt, and that was very close and informative. (Aren`t you also just EXCITED about that sudden uproar?)

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  2. I saw something about it last night on tv. I'll wait and see how people like it ...

  3. I am saving my money to get the iPad#2 out this summer sometime. Then I will read newspapers but nothing by Murdoch.

  4. Hmmm. I'm not sure about this. I wil watch and wait to see what happens with it.
