Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Banning of Guns: Is it Not Time?

Another senseless rampage by another unhappy/demented/deranged killer.  When are we going to wake up and end this madness?  When are we going to make it almost impossible to buy a damn gun, legally or illegally?  



  1. As much as I would love to see it happen, it won't. Unfortunately, and this kind of tragedy will just keep happening to us, innocents and all. I don't know what to do about it. All those Second Amendment people have got us hamstrung.

  2. Irresponsible rhetoric is also to blame. I knew a woman who was severely injured by a bomb in a women's bathroom. The young man was intent on sticking it to the man, in the form of a major department store, to avenge social injustice.

  3. I'm so sorry that this has happened - and appalled that Ms. Giffords (and others) have died because they felt free to express their political opinions.
    Even if guns were banned, it would take a unimaginable effort to actually rid the country of them, not to mention the mindset of some Americans, to whom the right to bear arms is God-given.

    I read that Ms. Giffords had been 'targeted' on a map posted by Sarah Palin last fall, using gun-sight icons. When this kind of attitude is prevalent among high-profile politicians, what hope is there? It was heartening, however, to read the comments of the Puma County sheriff who decried the bigotry, anger hatred and prejudice so prevalent in his state.

    Our thoughts up here are with our American friends who suffer not only these horrendous events, but the condemnation of the world.

  4. When will a Democrat have the balls to bring it up?

  5. Not while the GOP runs the House.

  6. We have strong gun control here. I keep being told, surprisingly by a lot of very sensible Americans that it's illegal guns that cause these things. I'm not convinced.

  7. Baino, pro gun lobbyists, supporters NRA members etc use that argument all the time. It's bullshit. Apparently all countries of or formerly of the UK have strict gun control and their murder rates are much lower than ours as are incidences of violence. It's impossible to convince gun proponents we'd be better off. I live in New Hampshire and the motto is "Live Free or Die" and I've always thought some day it will be "Live Free and Die".

  8. I agree but it will NEVER happen here, it's just too ingrained the 'right to bear arms'.

  9. I don't agree we need to totally ban guns, and that would never happen here. But we do need restrictions. We should insist on background checks for all gun purchases, maybe have a title registration system as we do with cars. And certain types of weapons such as the type that fires over 30 rounds before reloading, should be banned from priovate ownership.
