Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2010 Census Results Are Out

The 2010 U.S. Census Bureau reports are being released and the stats are dismal when it comes to the rich and poor.

Top 10 poorest counties in the U.S. show median incomes between $18,869 - $20,551 and all ten are in "southern" states.  i know.  Kentucky is technically not a southern state because it's above the Mason Dixon Line.  But trust me.  I lived there.  They're as southern as it gets.

Top 10 wealthiest counties in the U.S. show median incomes between $96,232 to $113,313.  The majority of them are in and around the Beltway of D.C.  The richest county saw a median income increase of around $17,000 since 2000. 

If you divide $18,869 into $96,232, it goes 5.1x.  $20,551 goes into $113,313 5.5x.  The poorest county saw its median income drop $1500 since 2000.

Wall Street bonuses aside, we all know there is a growing disparity between rich and poor.  This comparison of incomes is huge. 

Note:  the majority of richest counties are in the D.C. area.  What does this say about our government?   



  1. It is a disgrace, if you ask me. And income disparity is continuing to be a real problem not just for the US but many other parts of the world.

    It says nothing good about our government....

  2. What is so unfair is that (roughly) 95% of the wealth of the country is in the pockets of 5% of the people. That's scandalous. It's the same here in England too. There is a north/south divide.
    Blessings, Star

  3. Most interesting, D. There is a significant north-south divide in Canada, too, but the other way around.

    And the inequalities are only becoming more evident.
    Despite this, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and look forward to continuing to read you in 2011.

  4. The middle class is disappearing at an alarming rate and the rich keep getting richer and, well, you know the rest. The corporate takeover of this country is nothing short of criminal.

    And you are so right about Kentucky. It's more of a hillbilly southern than the deep south (except around Lexington), but I know a lot of people from Kentucky and it doesn't get any more "southern" than that. I grew up and lived most of my life right across the Ohio River from Ashland, KY and the difference in accents was amazing.
