Friday, November 5, 2010

The Women Who Lost

Republicans may have taken over the House but they did not take over California.  Here's to Barbara Boxer and Jerry Brown for saving the state from the likes of Meg "I Spent $160MM and Still Couldn't Get Elected" Whitman. 

Don't forget Carly "I Ran H-P Into the Ground But Who Cares Because My Hair Looks Good?" Fiorina.  Carly only spent $90+MM while smirking at Barbara Boxer's hair do. "It's so last year," she murmured.   

Apparently big spending and big hair doesn't guarantee an election.  A report on NPR the other day indicated Linda McMahon, who lost her Connecticut senatorial bid, spent the most per vote, $90.  Her total outlay was $47+MM but, let's face it, CT is a dinky state. 

Want more info?  ABC News has it

And get a load of these ads!  Voted #1 and #4 by out of the "Ten Freakiest Ads of Election 2010".



  1. Boy, was I happy to see this outcome! Love it!!

  2. I was glad to see that tons o' money couldn't buy every election, and that Brown and Boxer won their races. And thanks for the links to the freaky ads!

  3. That "hot air" one.... no only freaky.... just plain boring! That guys voice put me to sleep.

  4. You know that scene in Superman, The Movie when Lex Luthor says "Bye, bye, California?"

    Don't call it a comeback!

  5. I was also very happy to see that Patty Murray beat Dino Rossi in my state. A tough election, but maybe it means that we will grow some backbone (we meaning Democrats) and go for it!

  6. To think of all the good that could have come from all those millions. Clean water, feeding the hungry, medical advances, and a thousands of other, more worthy, causes come to mind.

  7. It's a relief to see that there were voters who resisted the message and tactics of candidates like those...California is so often ahead of everyone else, it seems.
    Unbelievable how much money these chicks spent on their campaigns. There outta be a law.

  8. Dutchbaby: you hit the nail on the head. I think this every time any candidate spends outrageous sums of money, particularly their own. We really should mandate campaign funds and make it a level playing field whereby these people have to run on the issues and not the ability to outspend and drown out the message of their opponent. Once upon a time, people had to run on issues. I was struck by how few candidates would answer a direct question...rather they would veer off into some rhetoric about their campaign. Fascinating series that is getting into this issue right now is HBO's "Boardwalk Empire".

  9. That Whitman ad is priceless. Love it. All I can say for my state is thank God for our Latino population. They voted overwhelmingly for the entire Democratic ticket. It's predicted that by 2020 they'll be the majority race in the country. Can't come too soon for me.

  10. That first ad is seriously freaky!

  11. Great post!!! I DO wish the Dems would stand up more often and not be so compliant........
