Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jon Stewart on Bristol Palin "Who Gives A Shit?"

Stewart's right. Why am I paying attention to this stuff?


  1. LOL…. Cracking up over the “situation room”….

  2. Judy: I know!!!!
    I often DVR The Daily Show so I can watch first thing in the morning while having my coffee. It starts my day with a laugh.

  3. Thank goodness Jon Stewart is on tv to point out the stupidity on tv. The media madness surrounding the Palins is a mystery to me. I wish they would just go away. Farther than Alaska.
    Did you notice the inappropriate applause when Tina Fey started her bit on Sarah Palin in the Mark Twain awards? The audience got it wrong, which scared me a bit. The whole Palin thing scares me. How has this happened? And how do we stop it?

  4. Too funny! All tv shows are controlled by ratings. Anything to boost the ratings! If people keep watching, they will keep on being in the spotlight. Have a great weekend!

  5. Mel: Not sure about the laughter w/ the Palin impersonation. I didn't take it any way other than they love her take.

    Marguerite: You're right and I'm sure ABC is laughing all the way to the bank.

  6. :) Funny..the length the channels go for TRP's

  7. Hi budh.aaah: you're in synch with Anonymous who just left a similar message on my previous post, "Bristol Palin? Give Me A Break". He/she is convinced it's the ratings generated.

  8. Fran Lebowitz was on Joy Behar last night and said the Palins are just like the Kardashians. They only exist because the media pays attention to them. If the media would stop talking about them, they'd go away.

    I may have to make by blog a Palin-free zone.

  9. Jayne! I wish you'd sent me a link. I'll look it up. Love the analogy. Makes sense. I swear to God I never heard of Kardashians except for the asshole father, RIP, who defended O.J. and the new asshhole stepfather, Bruce Jenner, whom I worshipped in 1976 when h won the Decathalon.

  10. My mind still refuses to make a connection between "Sarah Palin" and "The Learning Channel."
