Monday, November 1, 2010

Another Turn of the Wheel

My husband awakened me with a nice cup of coffee with extra cream, just the way I like it.  He gave me an oversized card with a photo of the boys and I on the front.  My husband loves to make his own cards and they are all keepers.  Inside the sentiments were pithy quotes regarding my new status. 

"Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened." Cora Harvey Armstrong 
"Growing old is like being increaasingly penalized for a crime you have not committed."  Anthony Powell
And my favorite,  
"The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest.  You are always beng asked to do things and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down."  T. S. Eliot

Thanks, hon.  I feel better already!



  1. Oh, goody! I'm turning 68 next month, so I'll be set free in two years? I can turn it all down and sit in my rocker and knit?

    You are very fortunate in your choice of husband. He sounds like a keeper. :-)

  2. DJ: Only if you feel like it. You sure get up early out in Bellingham!

  3. I guess this means Happy Birthday. Another year older, another year wiser? LOL

    Love his sayings.

  4. Happy Birthday my fellow Scopio birthday gal! No wonder I like reading your blog! Love from an Iowa Scopio.

  5. You are a lucky, older woman! Have a great birthday!

  6. p.s. older isn't a derogatory term is it? I should have said mature!

  7. I love the one about the younger person wondering what happened. That's me ...

    Happy Celebrations To You !!!

  8. Happy Birthday, cher!! And best wishes for a wonderful year ahead!! Cheers!

  9. Didn't anyone tell you that 60 is the new 40? I always say I may be getting older, but I'll always be immature. Happy Birthday, my friend.

  10. Setting the record straight my friends...I'm 59.

    Thank you for the super nice greetings. At this point, alot of us just wonder what the hell happened, ya know? It's like, yesterday I was 18 having a blast and now it's 40 years later??? What's up with that?

    Love you all. xoxoxo

  11. 59 and even 60 can be some of the best years of life (I've been told)! I predict some interesting times ahead for you! Are you still working out and getting healthy? What we do now to take care of ourselves will be reflected into our 70's and 80's.

  12. I am still working out. Last Thursday I had a PT session (personal trainer not physical therapy LOL) and I am still feeling it. She had me doing dead lifts and all kinds of core work. Every time I do something brand new, I feel it for days. She's great about addressing every different part of my bodee.

  13. Love that T.S. Eliot quote, but I'm precocious. I've been turning down requests since I ran the last auction at the kids' elementary school. That was five years ago and I'm about to turn 56.
