Monday, October 11, 2010


I wanted to post this yesterday but Blogger would not upload a pictue.  It still won't and it's wreaking havoc with my typing too.  Anyone else having issues?

Not sure what, if any significance , of 10-10-10 is, but I like the numbers.  I always wonder about the significance of numbers even though I've never dabbled into numerology.  For instance, my husband's birthdate is 1-11.  Mine is 11-1.  Gotta mean something doesn't it?   Our second son was born 8-02-88.
(I originally typo'd & wrote 8-02-08 sparking some surprise on the part of my readers who know me).   I really wanted to deliver him 8-08-08. I felt there was symmetry there.  He was a C section.  But the dr insisted he was due the 2nd.  I still think he came out a bit "underdone" and wonder if my instincts were correct.  He could have used more time.

Was I correct?  Is there a special numerological aspect to these types of dates?   What do you know about this? 



  1. I don't know much about numerology, but I also liked the number yesterday. Blogger is being buggy these days, not just for you but for many others. Not sure what the problem is. I usually try a different browser if I have problems with one, the other sometimes works.

  2. My friend Inge is into numerology, but I think what you're getting at is more than just adding up the digits. I like these symmetries too.

  3. I don't believe in numerology to really mean anything other than what we decide it to mean. But of course dates like that make them easy to remember. And it can be very fascinating to try to figure out things like when numerology has been purposefully used by the author of some text to include hidden meanings. Whether it is an old religious text, or a modern mystery. But as for real dates of birth... Our calendar is a fairly new invention, and different cultures in the past have had their own ways of counting; so no, I don't think there is a true hidden meaning behind that. (Does not mean you can't make up your own, though!)

  4. Good old Blogger! I went through two weeks of pure torture with my editor acting up. Well, there is now a tab on your editor, in the lower left hand corner that says "report editor issues". Well, did I ever, lol, and everything seems to be back to normal, now!

    Don't know much about numerology, either, but I follow a blog that is really into it. It's called Synchronicity. (link on my sidebar)

  5. DJ: I have a new computer. It's a PC w/ Windows 7 so automatically defaults to IE. If the browser is the problem then it's IE. I used to use Firefox. It worked well on my old computer. Jayne @ injaynesworld suggests Google Chrome. I don't want to keep adding browsers for different things, e.g. Flock works GREAT w/ FB & Twitter & youTube. I use it for those social sites when I post for the tv station for whom I work. Anyway, it's getting to where I may have to experiment on the new computer and IE sucks anyway.

    Ruth: There is symmetry but I don't knnow why. I'll look at your friend's site.

    Dawn: you sound just like my husband!

    Marguerite: I'll look for that. Mine won't upload images, it won't scroll down through comments in GMail; it's constantly going into brain lock and it's usually exclusively on Blogger. I'm beginning to not enjoy the blogging process and that would be a tragedy for me. Thx for the tip.

  6. I'm in agreement with Dawn, and am very glad she got there first, and so eloquently.

    I did send birthday wishes to a cousin whose birthday I have otherwise ignored for 30 years, just because I couldn't help noticing it was 10/10/10.

    (PS If your son was born on 08/02/08 then I think you've even got the immaculation conception story beat.)

  7. Deborah: what is the "immaculation conception"?

  8. I know nothing about numerology, but I have an open mind about all that kind of stuff.

    And yes, I actually have three different browsers because each one does different things to blogs. I just think of it as a pair of shoes for every outfit, but it's not nearly as much fun.

    Blogger has totally been on crack lately. I have do download a photo several times before it will actually appear in the post.

  9. Jayne: I was hoping I had a hiccup but I can no longer edit while on my blog, the widgets are missing and my blog keeps telling me to sign in, then reverts to the dashboard page. I have tried downloading and re-downloading an image. Basically, it either spins and never loads OR the window opens for downloading an image and then nothing is in it. I now FEEL YOUR PAIN!

  10. C.Girl, I haven't tried editing directly on Blogger over the past few days so not sure how that works here... I'm almost always using Windows Live Writer now. Have you tried that? It's free to download.

    PS. I noticed the 'immaculate conception' question... (refers to Christ being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born by virgin mother) Can't believe I didn't pay attention the first time I read the post. Or else I've missed the fact that you've got a 2-year-old. (I'm guessing perhaps 1988 was the magic year, not 08?)

  11. DT: Holy crap! I don't have a 2 year old. I have a 22 year old born 8-02-88! No wonder Deborah made the reference. I could not, for the life of me, figure out the immaculate conception with respect to myself so I thought there was another meaning. he he. Pretty funny.

  12. I forgot to say that I have a son born in 88 too, and back when he was in elementary school the mom of a friend of his remarked to me 'Those Year of the Dragon boys, all born in 1988, are different. Special.'

    You've probably already seen something like this:

  13. More laughs over here. I never even THOUGHT of 2008 when I saw the typo. Just shows you what century I'm livin' in.

    Besides, that crack about immaculate conception would have been at the expense of your age, which I wouldn't have done!!

  14. No, I didn't even know he is a "dragon boy" and now I'll have to look it up. Thanks Deborah.

  15. I don't know much about numerology but I've read that 11 is a master number. My birthday is 11/22 and my daughter's is 1/22.

  16. i totally believe in numerology even tho i don't know enough about it to give you much insight. i will say that the numbers you mentioned MOST DEFINITELY have some significance especially how your birthday and scott's are turned around. i love it

  17. I didn't know anything about numerology until I met the amazing raspberry woman. She persuaded me that it's somethin', all right. It's somethin'.

  18. Nancy: what is a "master number"?

    Anonymous: sounds like you know me.

    Murr: welcome to my blog!

  19. my husband and i were both born on 22nd. don't know if that signifies...
