Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Found My Waist

Uh, no, that's not me.  But I do have great news to report since my last post about the state of my body vis a vis the exercise plan to which I am committed last March.

I have lost a total 16 1/2 inches and 6 lbs!  As of May, I had lost 8 inches and 3 lbs.   As of yesterday, I had lost another 8 1/2 inches and 3 lbs and my BMI was lower and I am getting back my figure.  Four days a week, 45 minutes to an hour per workout, sweating like a pig, limbs shaking after the session...I am on a serious roll.

My trainer, whom I do not see as frequently as in the beginning, wants me to diet now in order to lose 10 more lbs and lower the BMI to a respectable level.  Her point is,  I can exercise to lose weight but cutting out most carbs and sticking to nutrition high in protein, fruits and veggies will lower the fat %  I'm still carrying.  The next 3 months, leading into the Bacchanalian fest of Thanksgiving, will be devoted to lowering the carb intake. 

That means little or no wine.  Wish me luck!


  1. good luck wine!....only whine then and more whine.....I'm not very disciplined so this would be really tough! best of luck!

  2. My goodness, you should be so proud of yourself...but, no wine!! I'm sure it is worth it when you see the inches and pounds dropping but I would, honestly, have to reward myself with a glass at dinnertime.

  3. Wow, what discipline! And you must feel great too. Congratulations!

  4. That is just great! Keep up the good work, it will be so worth it and you'll feel better, too! Cheers!

  5. I'm with you! Doing exercise and no sugar has helped. Now for the other carbs...

    Good luck!

  6. wow- you've already made such tremendous progress! congrats!

  7. Thanks all of you. Notice it's just the ladies responding to this one. I guess it's a chick thing.

  8. Ah you're guilting me out here! When I come back from hollies, I really, really need to lose weight.

  9. I'm terribly impressed. I had a pretty intense routine leading up to Farm Day August 7, and since then, I've turned into a lazy good-for-nothing. It's so hard to get the routine back. So I praise you for sticking with it, it sounds grueling, but also incredibly satisfying to see such profound results.
