Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why Am I Not Surprised?

artwork from LAist

Newt Gingrich's second wife, Marianne, has some provacative insights into a man I can only describe as "icky".

Her broadsides on their marriage land in the pages of the August issue of  Esquire and  confirm his extra-marital relationship with this now third wife was going on while he denounced Bill Clinton for the Monica Lewinsky affair.  At the same time he was giving speeches extolling the virtues of "family values" and the like, he was wooing his third wife, a woman he asked to marry him before he'd  asked his second wife for a divorce.
She says she should have seen the red flags. "He asked me to marry him way too early. And he wasn't divorced yet. I should have known there was a problem."...
"I know. I asked him. He'd already asked her to marry him before he asked me for a divorce. Before he even asked."
What a guy.  When asked if he'll ever be president, she says "There's no way."  She goes on to say
"He believes that what he says in public and how he lives don't have to be connected," she says. "If you believe that, then yeah, you can run for president."
She wanted to save the marriage. 
(Please God, make me a Jaguar)
The next night, they sat talking out on their back patio in Georgia. She said, "How do you give that speech and do what you're doing?"

"It doesn't matter what I do," he answered. "People need to hear what I have to say. There's no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn't matter what I live."
Did I say "icky"?  I think "HYPOCRITE", "NARCISSISTIC" AND "LYING SACK OF *!#!" are more appropos.


  1. It simply amazes me how many upstanding Christian types are hypocrites. I don't get it! He is definitely way out there on the icky spectrum.

  2. Here is another "John Edwards" type! AND I was one who believed in John Edwards.... and feel really stupid for it.

  3. Now there is a role model...."it doesn 't matter what I live." is quite a statement..... scum.....the jaguar/ chevrolet argument could provoke violence.....

  4. His reputation has made it all the way to Canada, unfortunately. A first-class pr***, if you ask me.

  5. It's a sad statement on a large swath of our populous that this slimeball and others like him actually have an audience. I'm old enough to recall life prior to the advent of Faux News when the nation was a much saner place.

  6. I'm glad Marianne wrote about him, but the people who fall for that blather probably don't read Esquire, or believe anything nasty about Newty. Yuck.

  7. Can you believe this guy? And just the other day, one of my cousins was trying to quote him to me. I told him not to bother - there was absolutely nothing he says that is any interest to me.

  8. Djan: my husband says this ALL THE TIME. He loves the morally righteous who can't keep their questionable sexual proclivities at bay.

    Judy: you shouldn't feel stupid. You should feel betrayed.

    Susan: yeah. loved that comparison. what a jerk.

    Deborah: "prick" is a great description. It fits so many members of Congress and the Senate, on both sides. I'm so tired of this, y'know?

    jayne: yes but, one of those dudes died yesterday...
    Rostenkowski. I remember when he was accused and that was pretty much before the omnipresent Fox, etc. Look at Oliver North, Henry Hyde, Jim Bakker, Swaggert and more...the holier than thou types who are "just doing their job" or "doing God's work" or doing somebody else.

    Bliss: People believe what they want to believe. I mean, Bush was elected TWICE! That says it all.

    Nancy: are you listening to Charlie Rangel's remarks? He's making some compelling statements re: his situation (ethics committee investigation) and I'll be surprised if he isn't allowed to keep his job in Congress.

  9. I have absolute and abject suspicions of anyone claiming to be morally righteous, right wing Christian or hey, politicians in general. It's the same over here, the double standard, particularly in male politicians is palpable. Then I also doubt the motives of those who have affairs with them. Proves that power for some is indeed an aphrodisiac.

  10. In related news...I've been wondering if Sarah Palin is deliberatley aping the Tracy Flick character in Election...or was Tracy just a harbinger of things to come?
