Saturday, July 31, 2010

Say It Ain't So Maxine

Congresswoman Maxine Waters

I've always admired Maxine Waters. She voted with courage and common sense against the invasion of Iraq. She was also co-sponsor of a House resolution to impeach Dick Cheney for "making allegedly false statements about the war." She has worked hard for the downtrodden in California. She is a ten term congresswoman and one of the most powerful members of the House. Like all powerful leaders, she has her supporters and detractors. She's now under scrutiny now for possible ethics violations.

Waters is under investigation for arranging a meeting between the federal regulators and executives of a bank in which her husband owns $250,000.00 in stock. The investigation involves conflict of interest as to whether she helped steer government aid to the bank while she was a member of the Financial Services Committee.

Not many details have been released. I read the NY Times and HuffPost articles this morning. I can't really glean much from either except to say if she did this, it was pretty darn stupid and maybe that's why I find it harder to believe than the charges against Charlie Rangel who has always seemed a grandstanding, loud-mouthed, showy member of the rank & file. Perhaps he genuinely feels for his constituents but his demeanor and the controversy he continues to inspire belies it. Maxine, on the other hand, has always appeared caught up by the needs of her constituents as well as the greater good. Perhaps this is my wishful thinking but...

...say it ain't so.

Maxine Waters from


  1. Sometimes wishful thinking is all we've got when disappointed. Money is too powerful.....

  2. You think Cheney and his ilk might be wanting some revenge? She's done enormous good for so many!

  3. Charlie Rangel is one thing, Maxine is quite another. I don't think these charges will stick, they seem a bit manufactured to me.

  4. I'm right with you on this one. I've long been a fan of the tough, smart lady. I so hope she's cleared of all suspicion.

  5. It would be hard to believe, but stranger things have happened. She was spot on about Cheney.

  6. Honestly, the rank and file of congress including Rangel and Waters isn't much different than the population in general. Look at Fox News to direct you off course and onto something as wild as the death panel gal, Palin. Can you imagine the party the ethics panel would have with her in office. Though I can't imagine that many people voting for her but the way it goes in DC, these days, anything is possible. I say 6 years or 8 years is max and out you go. Whine all the way to the bank. These people are not hurting. You can't even trust preachers -- Jim Bakker for example.

  7. No, you have to use Firefox, Chrome, Safari or any other browser. Apparently, Microsoft's employees over at Internet Explorer have not yet learned how to make a browser that shows pictures. I hate to apologize for their lack of knowledge about the modern browser world, but, Sorry.

  8. I'm reserving judgement until all the facts come out. She's an excellent legislator and I certainly hate to lose her powerful voice in Congress.

  9. Sigh, the disappointment is greater when it's someone we like...
