Sunday, May 23, 2010

Robert Redford, NRDC to Administration: Clean Energy Now

Redford always stands up for the environment. We need to stand up to our politicians. For more information, visit NRDC.


  1. I sometimes thing he's a voice in the wilderness though. We're going through State Elections this year and Federal next and the environment everyone keeps telling us is a vital election issue yet the Government has barely put it on it's agenda since that disastrous meeting in Copenhagen. Very frustrating.

  2. I wish to hell someone would listen!

  3. I wish to hell someone would listen!

  4. It seems like a no-brainer, doesn't it? From his mouth to our ears (because it's up to us)!

  5. The problem is we all talk the talk, but refuse to give up our dependence on oil. We want a clean environment, but don't want any disruption of our habits to get it. We've got to start walking the walk, even if that means literally walking a block or two instead of driving. Think about how much of difference that one small thing would make not only to the health of the planet, but to our personal health, as well. Thanks for posting this. Maybe someone will listen.

  6. Too bad Redford isn't President Redford!
