Friday, May 21, 2010

BP Oil Spill: Worse Than They Thought

Why am I not surprised?  Not only is the devastation widespread, but they've been using toxic dispersement to clean up the mess.  Now the Feds are going to create a special commission to look into this?  WTF?  We don't have time for this.  It's been a month.  An entire region of the country's livelihood and habitats are endangered long-term.  This is not acceptable. 


  1. What a mess! Here in Canada everybody complains about the tar sands and it's ecological consequences. Seems better than destroying our oceans. But oil dependency is our problem. We need a different fuel our planet will never recover. Toooooo scary!

  2. It's a horrible situation, too frustrating.

  3. It's so frustrating! And we are the stewards of our mother earth?

  4. We can thank Dick Cheney for easing the regulations that required shut-off systems, yes? But this is so massive... it's going to be messing things up for years. I'm both sad and angry.

  5. BP has a history of covering things up and attempting to point the finger at others. I hope they don't get away with it this time.

  6. I am just devastated by the huge oil leak, not spill. It's going to end up being way worse than anybody could have imagined. At least I have you, my friends, to commiserate with.

  7. WTF is right! It's as if BP owns the Gulf and from the looks of it, maybe they do? The slick has now invaded Grand Isle, one of my family's favorite vacation spots, and Marsh Island, and we are next in line. It's all so sad and you're right, our government's response is not acceptable, at all! And if they don't do something soon, it will be everywhere!
