Monday, May 10, 2010

Betty White: Always Funny

OMG if you didn't see SNL Sat night with Betty White YOU MISSED OUT!   One of the funniest shows since the original days of Dan, Jane, Belushi, Gilda, I've been watching SNL since it's debut so I consider myself a reasonable authority.  Betty White, for those of you who don't know her, has been a fixture on tv since it began. She is also, I believe, one of the first women to have her own syndicated radio show in the U.S. She is a pioneer in many areas and her animal rights activism is legendary. But, no matter how old or young you may be, you've probably seen her on tv, in movies and in commercials.

Below is one of the skits that did not make the show Sat night. Hard to believe they kept the Scared Straight skit and dumped this.

If you want to see more skits, go here.


  1. Thanks for posting that! My husband and I agree, that WAS funnier that Sxared Straight skit!

  2. OMG! Delushisly funny! Thanks, I didn't get to watch. YOGA!!

  3. :( Can't get it in Canada......

  4. Judy & Susan: you are welcome!

    Deborah: go to the link in the post or visit and he's posted all the skits.

  5. Wasn't it a great show? Viva Betty!

  6. bummer we can't watch that in Canada...She has such great delivery. The old girls still have it!....spirit, spunk, and real, susan

  7. Vavabettyvoom! She is one fantastic comedian and lady. I just LOVE her.

  8. I about lost it a million times during that hour and a half. She was amazing!

  9. I really enjoyed much energy and spunk. And the piece you posted was much better than a couple that aired (but I always LOVED Bronx Beat anyway).

  10. I love Betty White! Did you watch the "muffin" skit? LOL!

  11. She is something. I cannot begin to say how long Patty and I have watched shows she was in. Some people, like her, are just special.

    Thanks for the extended visit to my blog and for the comments. Patty and I can both cook. In the beginning I had to show her how to fry and egg and make toast but now she shows me how to make instant hot chocolate and things like that.

  12. Betty rocks! I have loved watching her through the years. An American icon!


    awards 4 u,
    Happy Tuesday!

    nice to read you.
