Thursday, April 8, 2010

Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right, Unless You're Palin & Bachmann

For the love of God, noooooooooo!!!

I guess nobody told Michele Bachmann about Geraldine Ferraro "breaking the barrier" as a female vice presidential candidate all those years ago.

I suppose you could promote them as "Dumb and Dumber The Freakquel".


  1. Dear God, please NOOOOO!!!! I would have to leave the country.

    "The Freakquel" is on the money, CG!

    Veri word: arian (aryan)

  2. Ya know, this could be a blessing..... they will be exposed for what they really are.... and we could get some laughs out of this too.

  3. Thanks Susan, I was pleased with that.

    Judy, oh, we'll get LAUGHS out of it, unless for some God forsaken reason it gets serious!

  4. It would outrage me if this happened...and I would be right behind Susan in leaving the country.

  5. the dumb and dumber characterization is spot on!! oy!

    wv; hopolun (hoopla, sure is, isn't it??)

  6. I would say it could never happen, but then I feel I might be doing an "I dare you" to the Universe, so if it happened, I would be pouring all my money into the Democrats' corner. And praying.

  7. I think they would be hilarious. I lived in Minnesota with Michelle Bachman - does anyone remember when she bear-hugged Bush as he was leaving the chambers? She's as big a nut case as Palin. Believe me, they do not have a brain between them. They would implode.

  8. Unbelievable. What ARE they thinking???

  9. Maggie: if ever there was a reason for Boomers to get out and protest, besides the stupid freakin' wars in the Middle East, this ticket is it.

    Kimy: I've seen some really funny bumper stickers now that the vid has gone viral.

    DJan: I'm with you. Never dare the gods on anything. Remember the original "Clash of the Titans"? (I haven't seen the remake)

    Deborah: "Thinking???" There's no stinkin' thinkin' goin' on here!

    Nancy: "they don't have a brain between them" bwaaahahahahahaha!

  10. Dumb and Dumber, the Freakuel, hahaha.

    I guess when people cheer you on so LOUDLY and FEROCIOUSLY, you really think you can do anything. I agree, let 'em go, and make fools of themselves, again.

  11. Thanks Ruthie: You really should troll the internet for some of the bumper stickers. You'll laugh your ass off...

  12. Someone explain to me how Bachmann manages to stay in office? What are the good people of Minnesota thinking. She makes my skin crawl.

    Oh, if you want the video to fit, go to edit your post and in the html for the video at the beginning and then at the end you'll see the width size. Just change that in both places to 430 and it won't run off the right edge.

  13. Jayne: Thanks! Now, if you will tell me how to widen my blog as is, I'll be all set.

    I've been looking at the new templates but am not sure I want to change it around too much with side bars on both sides, etc. It's so time consuming. I wish this particular template had a stretch model like my other blog, Empty Nest Evolution. sigh.
