Friday, April 30, 2010

Oil Spill Hits the Gulf

Pictures from Huff Post; the first bird rescued.


  1. The wonderful people who save the wildlife, this is a great picture and warms my heart. Although I am saddened by all the inevitable loss of life from this spill.

  2. This is going to be so unbelievably awful. And we forget the damage being done in the Gulf itself, if there was anything left alive there.

  3. You and I used the same picture and are on the same page.

  4. Our reliance on oil causes such disasters, I'm afraid. Innocent wildlife are victims - and our workers on these rigs! I wish, somehow, we could rapidly find some other affordable source of energy.

  5. Nancy: I just noticed something else; not only did we choose the same photo, you used the Sarah Palin quote that I inserted as a video and we did it at almost exactly the same time of day. I posted W 1:26pm. How interesting is that? or do we owe it all to Huff Post?

  6. The world is mad. We keep surviving. In madness.

  7. It appears the usa is imploding ; (
