Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's A Not So Wonderful Life When the Bank Has You By the Short Hairs

I picked up on the Move Your Money movement after ABC did a piece on it. By that time, we had already moved our money out of one major bank and one financial institution. Pretty soon we will pay off our credit cards and cut them up. I refuse to be dependent on the banks and the card companies and the financial institutions who care so little about people other than those in their echelon. It's a disgrace.

I first wrote about this movement on my other blog. Here's an expanded version of the video done for the movement.


  1. We did that two years ago. I refuse to give them a dime that I don't absolutely have to.

  2. If you or your husband have been in the service, you are eligible for our bank: USAA, which has been the best experience I've ever had with a bank! If you want to know more, go to my profile page, find my email and let me know. Or go to and check them out.

  3. I live in a small rural community now and bank at a locally owned bank. How I'm treated is so much different than when I lived in a city and banked at a big corporate bank. I'd never go back to those institutions again for anything.

  4. They're total shits. When our Reserve bank cut interest rates, the banks didn't pass all of the rate cut on. Over the past 3 months we've had rate rises and every one has been passed on. As for credit cards, the rates remain static. If the Reserve cuts rates, shouldn't credit card rates be cut? Nope. Mine's stayed the same for years. I'm with you. Every extra cent I earn is paying off the credit that I STUPIDLY took on during the early 90's I am an idiot and now I'm paying. Meanwhile their shareholders are earning a healthy dividend, This is a lesson I am teaching particularly my son. Haha . . word capture "Worse!"

  5. Nancy: Good for you!

    DJan: Thanks for mentioning USAA. My father was a WWII vet & Lt. Col afterwards in the reserves and he put me into USAA over 30 yrs ago. I have their credit card which is still @ 6%, all my insurance goes through them at better rates than anywhere else (I rate shop annually); we bank there now and our investments go through their brokerage. I love them. I'm currently working on a mortgage refi and they have expedited everything and are going to approve it.

    Any in the military, a veteran or the child of a veteran is eligible.

    jayne: we have a wonderful small credit union in NH with whom I worked in advertising and with whom I now keep a special savings account. They actually call if there is a problem. Imagine...

    Baino: you noticed that too? Yes, they only go with the flow when it's in their favor.

  6. Most banks are identical in everything they do. The only actual difference are the people who are employed.

  7. we've been moving our money around. Its a bit of a bugger though, because the smaller institutions/ building societies etc. still go on getting swallowed up by the Big Ones, so then you have to move it all over again...
