Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Art of Caring

My husband, my closest friend and several other people are the featured artists at an upcoming art show fundraiser which will benefit a Haitian orphanage.  The restaurant owner hosting the affair is one of six daughters of the woman who started the restaurant.  Her sister is my closest friend and a very fine artist in her own right.  My husband...well, you've seen his work. (it's good!)

The evening promises to be a lot of fun and will hopefully raise  a decent amount of money, 100% of which goes to the charity.  For $30, you enjoy delicious tapas and martinis made with Van Gogh Vodka, entertainment and art.  There will be an auction for the work on display.

I like the way they are going about this.  It's fun, intimate and  extremely generous because everything served will be donated.  Right now, during a downturn in the economy, getting creative when you fund raise is the only way to go.   


  1. I think this is wonderful. If I lived in the area I would definitely be going there, even though I don't drink vodka, usually anyway. What a great idea for a fundraiser.

  2. Sounds fun. Hope you get lots of takers.

  3. What a great thing for them to do - everybody benefits and a good time will be had by all, I'm sure. If I lived closer, I'd be there...

  4. I wish I lived closer - I would definitely come!

    I love the picture you husband did of the boats and especially the one of the lilly.

  5. What a nice event. Hope it goes really well.

  6. Aww I'd love to come. I haven't got anything exciting on this weekend which means chores and laundry! Have a wonderful time and I hope you raise heaps.

  7. Great idea! Wish I could attend!

  8. Looks like a fun evening that I would like to attend! Best of luck with the fund raising!
