Sunday, April 4, 2010

April Food Day Is No Joke

I'm lifting this from The Errant AEsthete who blogged about hunger in America on April Fool's Day last week. She movingly talks about the voices of hunger and the faces of hunger and the utter shame we, as "one of the richest industrial nations on earth"  should feel.

At today's Easter service, my pastor pointed out how lucky we are to know where our next meal is coming from, to be unfamiliar with hunger, real hunger.  It resonates particularly on a holiday when one is planning a big meal or attending a lavish brunch.  

The EA strongly supports an organization called Feeding America.  Before writing this, I asked my husband, a former VP Marketing with a major US non-profit organization,
"Where do I go to look up in depth info on non-profits?"

He sent me to GuideStar. where I searched their site for info.  After reading about Feeding America, I am passing this on to you.

Happy Easter!


  1. I came over from Nancy's blog. I'm a California girl,too, was in school about the same time you were and instead of a Mustang I had a '67 powder blue Triumph Spitfire.

    Good for you for posting this link. It's shameful that anyone, especially in this country, should ever go to bed hungry.

    Oh, I'm also a bleeding-heart liberal.

  2. Hi California girl. I also agree that the whole hunger thing is terrible to contemplate. In a country that has so much, how is it possible. Thank you for raising awareness of this situation and hopefully one day we will look back at these terrible times and wonder why we didn't do something sooner.

  3. Thank you for the reminder. It amazes me that we live in such a bountiful nation, but there is an ever-present hunger for so many people. And that so many of them don't get the right kinds of nutrition. We all need to do better about addressing this problem. I'm bookmarking both of these sites.

  4. injaynesworld: thank you for visiting and reading and commenting. Appreciate your powder blue Spitfire as one of my closest friends in high school had the GT3 (fastback) in powder blue w/ a license plate of TED --- (don't recall the numbers) so he called it "Ted". One time he needed new tires and he came to school telling everyone that "Ted needs new shoes." What a great memory! As for being a Liberal, me too baby!

    Djan: Thanks for the nice comment. I cannot take credit. Errant AEsthete posted about it and I took up the banner to pass on. Interesting stuff, don't you think?

    Susan: That's wonderful of you. Thanks. Hope you had a nice Easter.
