Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oscar Night

I'm watching the Oscars as I do every year since I can remember.  When I was little, I watched it because my mother watched it.  When I was a teenager and young woman, I watched it because I'd made sure to see all the movies beforehand and wanted to find out if my favorites won.

Now I just watch it for the clothes.


  1. Absolutely! I can't watch it since I'm 9 hours ahead and am not willing to stay up until some godforsaken hour to see. But I love the dresses too! The two on the right are wonderful, but then Penelope looks fabulous in anything.

  2. Oh yes, the clothes! I loved Penelope Cruz's dress...the color was so rich and was perfect for her skin. Charlize Theron's dress was, um, interesting with the boobie adornments. George needed a haircut, probably doing a movie that requires scruffy. Sandra was beautiful and funny and gracious. So happy for Jeff's about time! I stayed up for the whole thing.

    veri word: silli

  3. And how did you like the clothes this year? Red is my favourite colour, btw...

  4. Wow! That fourth dress is amazing!

  5. Deb: you can probably watch w/o commercials on the internet. alot better that way and still too long.

    Susan: yes, the flower boobs were ridiculous. alot of buzz on that today in the social media world. I loved Jennifer Lopez's dress. It was something Barbie would wear and somehow, she pulled it off.

    Minka: for the most part, I loved the dresses. they were fanciful and feminine and there were alot of ruffles, trains and ruching. Do not know how those women stay in those dresses all night what with their spanx and their boning and all. Meryl Streep, on the way in, said she "...couldn't wait to get out of her Jimmy Choos."

    Vicki: Yes, and there were quite a few amazing dresses.

  6. And a WOMAN actually got the most prestigious award! Regarding the dat, I must say: How appropriate!

  7. Have you seen the movie, Minka?

    My husband and I watched it Sat night. I thought it was good but to me, it was a well made anti-war/war movie. I think the editing was outstanding as was the acting. I haven't seen most of the others so cannot compare on a best picture basis. My husband loved it. I appreciated it.

    Loved "UP" tho'.

  8. No, I can't say I have. But if you say so, then I'll make sure to watch it!

  9. I thought Vera Farmiga's dress was beautiful. In spite of all my years of disliking Sandra Bullock (sorry if you like her), I did a complete 180° turn. I thought she was the most beautiful at the Oscars, the most real and natural, and I look forward to her work in the future. Go figure.
