Thursday, March 4, 2010

Beware the Bogey Man According to the GOP

By now you've most likely heard about this.  The Power Point presentation of confidential Republican party strategy for campaign fundraising to fight the "evil empire".

For more on the dastardly dealings of the rampant Right and their plan to bring down the Obama administration, go here or here or here.


  1. Have they, at long last, no shame? (Rhetorical question.)

  2. Vicki: Apparently not. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  3. I long for the day when the Government Opposition actually comes up with literal, viable, intelligent opposition instead of these stupid joy campaigns. It shits me to tears and it happens hear as well. Our Government has just announced an amazing health initiative (granted we're in an election year) and the opposition are opposing for the sake of it despite having postulated that it was a good idea before the last election . . .Fwoooaar

  4. Did I respond? Damnit I'm sure I did .. I wish oppositions would be constructive and oppose what they are philosophically opposed to and support good ideas. It's the same here . .oppose for opposition's sake.

  5. Forget shame...they have no brains, which makes them scary...

  6. They'll do whatever it takes, no matter how godawful.

  7. I can't even be smug about how much better things are in Canada, because up there the current party in power is headed straight for small c conservatism.

    I'll be watching the health care vote closely. What a mountain to move!!


    both sides do this.
