Wednesday, February 10, 2010

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Lobbies Against Health Care Reform

Doesn't this headline seem nonsensical and  at odds with the best interests of chamber of commerce members?

Read this:  Switchboard, from NRDC :: Pete Altman's Blog :: National Journal: Health Insurers Funded US Chamber Campaign Against Health Care Reform

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is funded by big insurance to lobby against health care reform.  Will it ever end?


  1. When we had our business, we were asked every year to join the local chamber, but no one there ever spread the word about us, since we, in their minds, were competition with a "donut shop" of all things??

    Lastly, we never saw anything they spent the money on, except if you joined, they gave you something to hang in your window.

    and so it goes ; (

    ps: is there a way to get the book you mentioned recently in a comment on my blog????

  2. This is just further indication that the bottom line in America is money...As a country there is a lack of social or moral consciousness in our so-called leadership. The lobbies with the money and power feel threatened by any change and will always prevail...

    By the people and for the people has long been discarded...

  3. We have no democracy left in this country. Our constitution has been trampled on and torn to shreds. The ONLY thing Repugs care about is getting re-elected and stealing the majorities. And what good is it having a majority anyway? The Democrats don't have the cojones to ram this legislation through. Health care reform is never going to happen, or if it does, it will be so weak and twisted that it will benefit very few and probably do damage to a lot.

  4. I was out with friends last night and everyone was drinking at a popular restaurant and one of the guys and I really got into it over Obama and Bush and what shape we're in. He was mocking me for voting for Obama saying we're in worse shape now than ever. I retorted it is the fault of eight years of Bush, Cheney and their indifference. We had quite a yelling match and everyone retreated to the bar to get away from us. We are very close friends but we try to avoid politics. It does point out the incredible divisiveness in this country.
