Sunday, November 8, 2009

Health Care Reform Passes House

I am psyched to learn, this morning, the health care reform bill passed the House of Representatives last night and a lone Republican voted for it.

David Brooks on Meet the Press just reminded the panel he's on,  "Once this becomes law it will become sacred" with the voters.   At this very moment, Bob Schieffer, on Face the Nation, is interviewing Sen. Lindsey Graham who advises him that, among others, Sen. Joe Lieberman will filibuster the bill in the Senate.
We still have a long way to go before this is made law but my belief is it will continue to morph.  The NY Times has a comprehensive first take on the voting results.

I hope everyone remembers Joe Lieberman is a senator from the state with the greatest concentration of insurance companies, Connecticut.

No conflict of interest there.


  1. These People are going to continue to ignore the people who voted them in at their peril...Oh, Lieberman - what a piece of work.

  2. I am 65 now. I am glad I have health care and am not waiting for legislation to pass to insure that I will receive health care. In addition to Medicare, I have Blue Shield through my retirement plan from the city and county of San Francisco. I feel so badly for the many that suffer and have nothing.

  3. Congratulation to those who were in favour of the legislation. But let's not forget it won only by 5 votes and might not make it through the Senate.

    I'm glad I'm just following this case from abroad and don't have to take part in it..

    Good luck to you all,

  4. Insurance industry also big in Des Moines Iowa, And Senator Grassley has said some silly things.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. If it passes and becomes the law, after some time people will wonder why it had to be any other way before. Good luck!
