Thursday, October 22, 2009

Health Care Reform: More Indecent Behaviour

Back to health care reform. This aired Wed. Oct 20th on "Countdown" and it is a tear jerker. No family should have to deal with this kind of harassment.


  1. Dear God! The people who are being destroyed by this's unbelievable that it can happen in this country. It makes me sick to my stomach.

  2. I had not seen this. Thank you for presenting here.

  3. I hear loads of these kinds of stories. Counties outside America are absolutely stunned at the length and ferocity of this debate and yet reform opponents remain in denial and just pretend it's not happening. Exactly as the interviewer says, "How is this not a no-brainer?"

  4. I do think the Republican Party that I used to be a member of, has turned into a group of neo-Nazis who do not want Americans to have health care. You can dispute the Nazis bit but Republicans in our government are like Nazis and would rather Americans die, like the Jews under the Nazi government, rather than give all Americans access to Universal Health Care.

    I switched political parties several elections ago and would not go back after listening to the likes of their leaders, Rush Limbaugh, Beck, and the crew at Fox News.

  5. Susan: every time I see something like this I remember the saying "There but for the grace of God go I." And I often pray to God to let me keep my job, my health insurance and my health.

    LV: You're welcome. I won't let up on this issue til we have a public option. If I can influence just one person...

    Baino: It is unbelievable. The opposition towards a public option, particularly in light of Medicare benefits which NO ONE would give up, is senseless. It's really the result of scare tactic marketing and repititive slams by Republican officials, talking heads and so forth, that drive the opposition.

    Abe: Thank you for your comment. You speak volumes. I can only conclude it's the insurance industry lobbyists throwing scads of money at their defenders and at our elected officials who keep this dialog as bi-partisan as it is. However, public opinion is turning the corner and heading towards a more favorable attitude for the public option. btw, you forgot to mention Ann Coulter who makes my blood boil with her rhetoric.

  6. This sort of behavior is outrageous. I, too, left the Republican Party some years back and obviously many in Washington do not care about citizens out here trying their darnest to have secure life in difficult times. They will do all they can to stop our President in achieving what we all hoped for.

  7. Linda: The GOP seems to be relentlessly driving away their moderate members. The last few presidential elections, let's say going back to Bush II's first election, seemed to be all about placating the religious right and big business. It is not serving them well at all but their leaders don't seem to want to stop the erosion which is OK with me!
