Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

And now a word from my favorite witch of all time...


  1. Oh no! Baby Ruth! :|

    I loved loved loved your Goldwater/Johnson story at my place!

    Happy Halloween.

  2. Hee hee! Happy Halloween to you, my friend!

  3. Ruth & Tanna: boy, you two are up early! It's only 7:30AM EST & you're both behind me, right?

    Tanna, maybe next yr you'll be trick or treating with Lil Man.

    Ruth, can you believe that story? It is true; every word.

  4. The cartoons are so like Gary Larsen, aren't they?

    You know the WWotW scared the life out of me as a child. I take that back, Miss Gulch frightened me even more because you could actually run into her in REAL life, couldn't you?

    I have a witch video on my blog too. You may remember her as well.
