Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Road I've Taken

The road on which I live.

This is, of course, the greatest time of year in New England and I always count my blessings when I see the leaves begin to change.  I fell in love with this area during my first Fall visit and, 23 years later, I love it still.   Fall colors and weather and changes make the rest of the less endearing times of the year, mud season in Spring, black flies in Summer and freeze-your-ass-off Winter days, worthwhile.  Here's a taste...

September Reds

Trees in our front yard.


A nearby pond.



  1. Oh, how breathtakingly beautiful! I can understand why you love this season. Fabulous photos! Happy Fall!

  2. Oh.my.goodness. I would kill to live on that pond! Gorgeous, gorgeous photo! Lucky you!

  3. Oh man! You really have it, don't you? Your road! These photos are just what we want to see this time of year. Thank you.

  4. The photos are stunning! Especially the first one. I've never been lucky enough to see the East in the fall, but I can see I'm missing something really special.

  5. Really, really beautiful!!! Your photos are terrific!

  6. Lake: I bet it is gorgeous where you are.

    EA: thank you!

    Marguerite: I do. I know you live in a heck of a place too! "Born on a Bayou... doin' it doin' it"

    Susan: if I recall correctly, the pond is next to a commercial bldg iin a park.

    Ruth: our road is dirt, full of bumps and ruts and all manner of erosion. We love it. Nobody else does though.

    JC: that's what I say every Fall.

    Deborah: You should make a point of seeing New England in the Fall. It's breathtaking.

    Baino: thank you dear.

    Ima: My husband took them. I'll pass along your compliment..

    ...and all your kind words everyone.

  7. Lettuce: our leaves are turning slowly this year. the photos are from years past. we wait with baited breath for peak color. it usually only lasts a few days. right now, I'm guessing another week til then altho' it could be a bit later this year.

  8. Simply beautiful ; )

    They've been changing for a few weeks now, but it's indeed starting to get cooler this week.

  9. This is so beautiful! We are a few weeks behind you in seasonal time, but the days are cooler and the nights are crisp. We'll have autumn color soon.

    My very favorite season for so many reasons, too. I love fall!
