Saturday, August 29, 2009


After an incredibly hectic week, I thought it might be soothing to post an oil painting by my close friend, Carson Pritchard.

This is titled "Carson's Irises".


  1. There's nothing like blue to soothe.

    Wish you could load the image bigger so we could click and enlarge it.

  2. Hope this coming week will be more restful! Beautiful painting!

  3. Lovely. I love iris, and watercolors.

  4. Whoops, I thought it was a watercolor, only to re-read and it's an oil. It's still lovely.

  5. Soothing is ood, no doubt about that. :)

  6. Hello CG,
    A friend of mine has a daughter names Iris. She is a lovely girl. I love it when mothers name their daughters with flower names.
    I also am responding to your question (on my blog) regarding weight gain from certain prescribed medications. First, read all about your meds. I like to go to Then discuss your concerns with your doctor. That's what I did. In my case, I talked my doc into switching my meds, and I lost 5 pounds in one month...
    I really do hope your doctor can help you out. Weight gain is very frustrating.
    Good luck.

  7. What an incredible painting! She is very talented.

  8. She's a wonderful artist. Click on the link and visit her site. Her sculpture is terrific.

    Ruth: I capture images from her site using a great tool, FastStone Capture. It can only capture as large an image as has been uploaded on the site. I do post in the largest format Blogger will allow. However, her uploaded images are small. Sorry!
