Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Good Friends

Last March, my girlfriend & husband threw a party. The weather outside was frightful but about 60 people drove to her home in the Maine countryside to enjoy a lively and "informal Tex Mex" banquet. She comes from a restaurant family and is a very good cook. She prepared empanadas made with slow roasted pulled pork, refried beans, hot hot chili, corn bread, several kinds of salads, fresh fruit & cheese, enchiladas, guacamole, roasted asparagus, taquitos; it was grand. I prepared a double layered lemon cheesecake with lemon curd topping. Someone else made a Mexican chocolate & cinnamon cake with milk frosting. There was a slushy machine churning out margaritas. You could just walk up, pull the lever and "that frozen concoction" came pouring out.

These photos are from the party. Left is the party giver and artist, Joelle. In the middle is our Swiss friend, Ladina, an amazing skier and athlete. I'm on the right. We girls met when our sons were in third grade. Between the baseball, football, soccer and more, we found ourselves car pooling, cooking for team dinners, planning picnics and time for the families to share with one another. We incorporated our husbands which forever cemented our relationships. Over the past twelve years we have exercised, partied, cooked, played, cried, clung to one another and laughed our asses off over anything we can. In the photo above, we are discussing the benefits vs the defects of high heels while holding Joelle's 4" heels which she has now taken off because her feet hurt.

I'm now 57. Ladina is 51, I think. Joelle is 40. Our friendship is based on a mutual love of the same things and the enjoyment and respect we have for one another. Raising our kids has been easier because we share our frustrations and fear, give good advice when we're asked and sympathise with one another. Our parenting skills are in synch. One night, Joelle and I ferreted out the location of an illegal kid drinking party, drove there, walked in the front door, big as life, pointed to a group of sullen looking boys and said,

"You, You, You...GET IN THE CAR!"

Out came our three boys. I think they were freshmen in high school. Boy, were they embarrassed. My son said it took two years to live that down, heh heh.

Every time we share a meal, we touch glasses and say,

"Here's to us! Here's to good friends."


  1. How wonderful to have such good friends.

  2. It's clear you know how fortunate you are, all of you, including your kids and your husbands. My husband and I have left too many friends behind when we've moved around, and we haven't done well keeping up either.

    You're all full of gorgeous life and joy, and I confess I'm jealous.

    Does Joelle have her heels on in that last photo, or is she really that tall?

    (It's not fair to be such a glorious artist and also so beautiful, don't you think?)

  3. Aww Cali, nice to see you in the flesh so to speak. I love seeing what my commenters look like and you are right on the nail. I have two friends just like that. They are the only biatches that can get me out at 7:30 on a Saturday morning in the frosty freezer to go to the growers market. Now if that's not a sign of friendship, I'm buggered if I know what is. Long may you be friends and allies. Oh, you can keep the heels, I'm into sensible shoes these days!

  4. Hello Ladies! I have no doubt after reading your posts and blogs and comments that each of you have many friends.

    EA, Minka, Nancy & ME: Yes, I am lucky and thank you so much.

    Ruth: Yes, Joelle is in heels in the second shot because, you will note, her hair is still up and that was the early part of the evening. Her first margarita is still in the glass! She is that beautiful. One of six sisters with a beautiful mother. They're all gorgeous. Ladina is tiny compared to Joelle and I. She's not short, just not as tall and she's small boned and fit as a fiddle. Was once a ski instructor at St. Moritz. My husband and I gain a European perspective on U.S. affairs from her and her husband. They travel back and forth at least once a year and we are all very politically minded.

    Baino: I have hesitated to include my photos as I have been brainwashed to believe my identity will be stolen at some point. This, from my husband. However, I think blogging and twittering and all this e-ternal stuff has maybe lessened that risk. NOW, I understand some research institute says the 95% of the SSI codes in the Dept of Soc. Security can be broken and stolen.

    Anyway, Ladina wore bowling shoes that night and I'm sure I wore flats or boots as there was snow on the ground. I wear wedges sometimes and heels very rarely now. Too uncomfortable.

  5. Here, here! There's nothing like good friends.

    Great pics. Makes me want a margarita. Cheers!

  6. Sounds like my kind of party! Good Tex-Mex, a Margarita machine and old friends. What could be better? And you all look great in the pics!

  7. So nice to have friends of such long-standing. I don't get together with mine often enough, but you've inspired me to try harder. It's worth it - I just need to do it!

  8. Reya: have one on me!

    Marguerite: We can't buy them in a box (or however it is you get them down in LA., but we do love 'em. I have to share your stories about that with my girlfriends. They will love the idea.

    Pop: Yes, do try harder. It's so worth it.

  9. Ahhhh, so that's Joelle! Beautiful as well as talented! You're pretty cute yourself there, Cali Girl!

    I couldn't walk two steps in those heels!

    I did that party thing with my daughter one time. I think she's still trying to live it down...and she's almost 28!

    *clink* To good friends...everywhere!

  10. Always nice when you can get together with friends, as if not a day has gone by ; )


  11. Hi, don't ask how I found you but I'm glad I did. Your post was heartwarming. Honestly, a friendship such as yours is the most precious jewel in the crown.

  12. Oh, that sounds so fun! I want a slushy machine in my kitchen pouring out margaritas constantly! LOL
