Thursday, June 25, 2009


I am friggin' blown away by the rash of sex scandals in government. I was listening to NPR yesterday afternoon, with my mouth hanging open, when Neal Conan and Don Gonyea came on the air with this story (listen, it's quite a radio moment) about South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and his unlikely, unknown and unexpected trip to see his Argentine amor. Holy infidelity! John Ensign, the Nevada senator who couldn't keep his "promise" to his wife or his faithful; John "Oh how the mighty have fallen" Edwards, his infidelity and & possibly a child (yikes!)with a staff member; Mark Foley, gettin' it on with pages; Larry Craig, Idaho senator, gettin' it on in with any male port in the bathroom of the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport (yuck); Eliot Spitzer, the Elliot Ness of NY who was cleaning up the city couldn't clean up his own act. The list goes on and on. We can blame it on President Clinton whose tawdry affair with Monica Lewinsky is still headline worthy or we can accept that this has and will continue ad infinitum.

What astonishes me is how these men are so transparent, so careless and so unrepentant. Were they repentant, most would resign their posts and show true contrition. I don't understand how aspiring politicians with good solid careers commit so many stupid acts. Yeah, okay, I'm naive. My husband laughs at me and says, "What do you expect? These guys think they're bullet-proof. They think they're above the law. It's all about entitlement."

Interesting article in the NY Times yesterday regarding this. Another good article on the NPR's "Talk of the Nation" program and how the story broke live on the air.


  1. I think they still believe it's the 60's and they are Jack Kennedy. When Jackie's plane arrives, the girls go out the other door ...

    Not anymore ...

    On the other hand, if they are really good at their job, they should keep their personal life out of the news ... thus, doing their job.

    I think they really don't think they'll get caught or that they people working for them are so in awe of them that they won't tell ...

    Everyone tells ...

    I just don't ever want to hear that Obama is not what I think he is ... personally.

    My two cents ...

  2. What are these men thinking you ask? That's the point - they aren't thinking - or they're using the wrong head to think!

  3. Nancy: you got that right. the articles I linked comment on the different platforms these clowns adopt. I love the guy in NV who's involved with Promise Keepers. It's hilarious. SNL will have a field days with this.

    JC: yes. I think we all hope to God Obama is what he appears to be. I don't know how much more disappointment any of us can take.

    Pat: there's a song by John Hiatt about that. It's a good one!

  4. It's the hypocrisy that bothers me. I don't care what these people do with their lives but don't be judgmental and phoney in their politics.

  5. I think if they didn't espouse *family values* so much it wouldn't be so much of a concern. I think we give way to much attention to sex scandals that really have nothing to do with how people govern. We should just assume that everyone is f***ing around unless proved otherwise.

  6. I think it has been going on since they invented politics. It's just now we live in an age where nothing goes unnoticed, nothing goes unreported, and we see it instantly all over the world. Men in power have never been able to keep their pants zipped, and they never will.

    The hypocrisy is the most appalling thing about it.

  7. Cal. Girl- I totally agree with you, Pat, and Susan, on this one. Also, I agree with your hubby, that it's about entitlement, as if it's some kind of birthright!!

  8. What I don't get is why anyone would want to sleep with them. YUCK!

  9. One of my blogger friends suggested that Governor Sanford misspelled it. He SAID he was hiking the Appalachian Trail but he MEANT he was hiking the Argentinean Trail! Ha!
