Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!
"Life With Father" reminds me of my father. William Powell plays the stern autocrat thinking he's in charge even though he is not. Irene Dunne was my dad's favorite actress. Coincidentally, one of the sons' is named Harlan and that was my dad's name. The resolution on this isn't very good but if you watch the first few minutes, you'll meet Harlan. "Life With Father" takes place in the late 1890's. Dad was born in 1910.

"Thank Heaven For little Girls" from Gigi was a favorite of my father. He would sing it to me from time to time. It drove me crazy. But I watched GiGi today and cried. I cried when Louis Jordan sang the title song, a favorite of Mother's. I cried when Maurice Chevalier ended the movie reprising the song, "Thank Heaven..." I can hear my dad right now...

"The Band Wagon" has absolutely nothing to do with Father's Day, but it's a Fred Astaire movie and it's on TCM right now. I do not engage in the debate as to who was Astaire's best partner. I love him with everyone. He has memorable dance duos with each and every partner. This is surely his most romantic one with Cyd Charisse.


  1. I loved "Life With Father". My husband came up behind me and just watched part of the video and announced - "Life With Father!!" - I guess we all grew up with a different Hollywood. In my next life I am going to be a dancer. Can you imagine dancing with Fred Astaire?

  2. HI LOL! I just added another video. I watched "GiGi" this afternoon and when it ended with Maurice singing the reprise, I burst into tears, missing my dad. Funny the things that make you think of your folks.

  3. It takes very little to bring memories back... Let's be grateful for being able to remember good stuff! For having these people around. Fathers. Mothers. Other people, whoever they might be, to give us these good memories.

  4. What a lovely tribute to your father. Great videos, I enjoyed them!

  5. Minka: you are right, just the small things bring them back.

    Marguerite: thank you. what's cookin' in Cajun country today?

  6. I love "Life with Father" and "Gigi" although I haven't seen them in a while. I think I need to get the DVR queued up - correction, I need to get hubby to queue up the DVR. I'm useless with it. And I love anything with Cyd Charisse - my favorite being "Brigadoon". Sigh.....

  7. For those we love who have passed beyond us - or who have substantially left even though their bodies are still here - it is memories like these you have shared that bring them close enough to - almost - touch again. That gives me hope that nothing truly loved and nothing lived vividly is lost, just out of view for the time being. Thanks for sharing these memories!

  8. Pop: me too

    ME: thoughtful comment. you are welcome.

  9. Ah, thank heaven for little girls. And thank heaven for wonderful movies. It's great you have that in your memories of your father.

    I do think there was something about Cyd Charisse that is more alluring than Ginger, although she is wonderful. I almost find Charisse too exotic for him, but stunning still.

  10. The Band Wagon is one of my favorite Astaire movies! Of course, I love Fred and Ginger together, who doesn't? But there's just something about the lovely Cyd Charisse that is captivating. She dances so fluidly, almost as if she melts into him. Ahhhhh. And that music, so timeless. Have you heard Diana Krall's version?

  11. Ruth: Cyd was definitely more exotic than Ms. Rogers. I thought Ginger was breathtaking when young. I didn't care for the heavier makeup and extreme hairdos she adapted in the forties. It was too harsh for her delicate features. Cyd Charisse was always elegant and understated.

    Susan: Funny you ask about the DK version of "Dancing in the Dark" because I heard it at the dr's office yesterday. Going to see her live July 3rd. Taking my hubby, my best friend and her mother. Can't wait!
