Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Beachin' It Part 3 Final Installment

First Night at Sunset

After the Storm

Island Liquor Store

Great Blue Heron


  1. Such beautiful photos! I'd never want to leave.

  2. All my summers and weekends growing up and most real vacations I have taken have been at the beach. Beautiful pics. Brought back memories. And the blue heron...very nice.whiest

  3. OK, so that's why it gave me a second word (if you can call these words). I forgot to click in the box.

  4. I want to go there ...

    I need a vacation don't I ?

  5. Truly is beautiful! I swear as soon as the weather warms back up in Michigan (soon, please!), I'll be out of the front porch enjoying wine as much as possible!

  6. Susan, welcome to my blog. Just visited The Irish Photograph and enjoyed your beautiful photos. I haven't yet visited Ireland but it's on my Places To Go Soon list. Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.

    EA: I know what you did, you entered the (I'M NOT A ROBOT) word into the comment.

    JC: Yes, I think you do.

    Pop: I hear ya! I'm freezin' my ass off in NH. It was raining & in the fifties for the past five days. Sunny today, FINALLY.

  7. Looks like the perfect place to be with your family. There is something about the sun, sand, and your family, that just makes things right with the world. I like the looks of that liquor store...

  8. LOL: The liquor store is one of my favorites in the group.

  9. I want to see more pictures! Just looking at these is lowering my blood pressure!

  10. what terrrific photos - the colors just jump out!!

    by the way, I'm not away, just busy these days and not doing as much blogging and blog visiting as usual....summertime, and the living is busy!

    I'd expect it's hard to come back to reality after such a time in paradise!

    thanks for sharing the photos/stories.

  11. Every island must have a liquor store!!!

    I've enjoyed going on vacation via your photos. Thank you so much!! :)

  12. It's always nice to have a family vacation at the beach. Your photos and your family are just lovely. Thanks for sharing both!

  13. Ahhhhhh.... what a wonderful, vicarious mini-vacation! More please!

  14. The after-storm and heron pictures are my favorites. So gorgeous! You look so relaxed sitting there on the sand. Too bad you had to have it messed up by returning to the real world! Hopefully, when you get too stressed out, you can look at your gorgeous photos and go back to that place.

  15. The photos are crystal clear and GORGEOUS. That heron!
