Sunday, May 3, 2009

Template Tryout 4

Am I driving you nuts yet? I am definitely making my husband crazy. I like this one but he is of the opinion I should keep it plain and simple so as not to detract from the writing or the images.

The next one will be an all-white tryout, probably minima stretch which I also like. I want to change mastheads occasionally...put in a photo. So I need to study that. I know some of you have sent me the way to do it and I'll go back to reading about it. I really enjoy the masthead change on some of the blogs I read.

Did I tell you I'm going on vacation next Friday? Yippee!


  1. :(
    I'm waiting for you to write about your thoughts again...

    I think that comment "try until you love it" was the best.

  2. I've had this one before and loved it. I think husbands think in more "plain" terms than we do. Yipee for vacation! Where to?

    I've enjoyed helping you pick...

  3. I've used this one, too, and I like it, but I think you will really like minima stretch. It will really showcase your phtos.

  4. This is soft and pretty. I tried a few templates over a couple of years, and then this year I needed white and simple, like you said. I've been happy. And you're not driving me nuts. :) You gotta please yourself. Sometimes change is necessary.
