Saturday, May 30, 2009

Beach Rental

I have wanted to happily share our vacation photos as soon as we returned from Florida. However, I am dependent on my husband to review each one, photoshop at will, then downsize to a reasonable number of pixels that will work in a blog or email. So far he's done two. I don't know how to find the photos on his computer because he has hundreds of files. And I wouldn't know how to downsize them anyway so...I wait.

In the meantime, here are three photos of the home we rented on the island. They call it "Sunfish". I captured them from the vacation rental site. The house was an old beach ranch, circa 1950's. The owner did a remarkable re-hab. He split the house into two condos then renovated top to bottom. He took out the low 8' ceilings and created vaulted ceilings. He put nicely turned crown molding and framed molding throughout; 12" x 12" Mexican pavers for the flooring, new textured wallboard painted a caramel color; Mexican tile in the bathrooms. Our side was 3 BR, 2 1/4 BA; very spacious with a nice flow-through floor plan. The pool above is on the other side of the house. It's shared with the 2BR 2 BA condo. Everything was new and clean and beautiful. He even built a rooftop deck with a view to the ocean. It is a little piece of heaven on a heavenly little isle.


  1. Wow very posh. I love the way beach houses are light and airy and yellow and blue. You can reduce your photos by resizing in MSPaint if you don't know how to use your camera software or have a photo optimiser. Looking forward to them though. I travel vicariously these days!

  2. How absolutely gorgeous! But I can only go to Florida in the winter. Hot weather (over 85) makes me sick and I faint! Yeah, I'm a real fun date in the southern states - you have to keep me in air conditioning all the time!

    I'm glad you had a lovely vacation and look forward to seeing more pictures!

  3. Baino & Pop: what are you two lovely girls doing on the internet on a Sat night? I'm home bored out of my skull. But, it's probably a good thing. i can't wait to post more photos. I can honestly say this was one of the best vacations of my life.

  4. To quote Liz Lemon on '30 Rock', "I want to go to there!"

    Ohmygosh! That place is gorgeous! Maybe you could provide a link so that any like-minded travelers would have a chance to inhabit such a showplace for a short amount of time. Like ME!

    Can't wait to see the rest!

    Veri word: ration ma
    I find that very amusing!

  5. Wonderful vacation place! I wanna go!!!

  6. Susan: I meant to include the beach rental info, then forgot...zzzz. Here's the link:

    Ima: Sounds like you and Susan and Liz Lemon are on the same page.

  7. wow that place looks great, glad you had fun

  8. You seriously need a lesson on handling image size. It's truly easy. Then you don't have to wait and wait and wait. Does a woman of a certain age want to spend her precious time waiting? I think not!

  9. Greg, thank you! It was wheelchair friendly too.

    Meri, you have a point with which I attempted to master. However, my husband has hundreds of photo files with hundreds more photos and his filing system is complicated. Plus, he's a professional and I don't want to mess with the inventory if you know what I mean.

  10. Beautiful place and photos! Worth waiting for!

  11. Thanks Marguerite. Check out the remaining photos I have and will post. It is just a gorgeous little place. Cannot wait to go back.

  12. How gorgeous! I love cool ceramic tile for hot climates and easy sweep-ups of beach sand.
