Sunday, March 15, 2009


WOO HOO! It's 56 degrees and the snow is melting and the bedraggled remnants of my snowbound garden showed themselves today. I am psyched! Time to post some cheerful photos taken last Spring with a look toward the Spring to come.


  1. Splendidly beautiful! The pansies just melt me. Yesterday was 60 here, and I was out in it too, snapping birds, chickens and the birch tree.

  2. Thank you Ruth & Greg. My husband took these in our garden last Spring. I love the pansies too as I planted them and care for them. These are the little ones, violas.

  3. Beautiful pictures! :)
    I hope to be able to buy some pansies for my balcony soon, but will probably have to wait another two or three weeks.

  4. I would love to frame that pansy pic. Wow!

  5. Violas are my favorite flower! I just love their little faces! My mom always had an old dishpan filled with them. She called them Johnny-jump-ups. Beautiful photos!

  6. My husband is creating a site where you may purchase the photos via internet. They won't be expensive and he will offer matting and/or framing, I think.

    He is very excited about it as he's had so much feedback so we're going ahead.

    Once he's ready, I'll let everyone know in a blog post.

  7. The pics are gorgeous! Love the pansies so much. Supposedly pansies bring "heart's ease and heart's desire."

    Let it be so!

  8. Reye: Heart's Ease or Heart's Desire would make a great title for the pansey photo. I think the water droplets create an incredible feeling of freshness, dewiness, youth 9where am I going with this?)

  9. Yes, the pics are gorgeous and I would like to know which camera he uses?
    Blessings, Star

  10. Hi Star: He used a Canon S3IS. Thank you for the nice comment. My husband cherishes every positive remark on his photography. He is getting so into it now, turning professional. I'm excited for him.

  11. Oh dear..what lovely pictures!!
    They are breath takingly beautiful!!
    I envy you...they are sooooo beautiful..lucky you^_^

  12. Deboshree: thank you. I'll pass along your compliment to my husband the photographer.
