Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jon Stewart: Why I Love Him

I can't say it enough; I love Jon Stewart. If you have a few minutes and need a moment of catharsis about the economic pundits who report the situation we're in, this is it.


  1. I love him, too. He's so smart, and funny, too.

    What would we do without him?

  2. dropped by from mouse medicine.

    re: Jon Stewart? I concur, I concur and I concur some more.

  3. Thank you for dropping by RL!

    Stewart has received a TON of attention from this rant of his. He's all over the internet on blogs & news issues etc. Clever guy.

  4. Jon Stewart is da bomb! Nobody is funnier than he is. I was LMAO through this whole piece, especially at Jim Cramer whom everyone seems to think is a Money God, everyone except Stewart!

  5. He's started a "thing" with this. Now I have to watch him @ 11pm every night for follow up!

    I've got a second installment coming...
