Thursday, October 9, 2008

Paul Newman...Peace Out

Paul Newman... humanitarian, wonderful actor, gorgeous guy. From what I've read, he apparently wasn't too comfortable with his looks but he sure made women feel good. There are alot of stories going around the internet now that he's passed. No idea if they are true or made up. But I have a true story to tell.

Back in the early 70's, while I was in college in Los Angeles, my friends and I often took weekend ski trips to Mammoth Lakes. In those days it was a 6 hour drive and you really had to want to go to hustle up there in back in two days. One Thursday night I received a call from my girlfriends to head up to Mammoth the following Friday afternoon.

"Paul Newman is going to be there!" said one of them breathlessly.

"Yeah, right," was my sarcastic response.

In LA, you were always hearing stuff like that. These friends were three blondes a year ahead of me, all very pretty, two linked to show business. One was the daughter of Peter Marshall host of Hollywood Squares, one the daughter of a character actor, the third was their best friend, senior class May Queen, Prom Queen and cheerleader. We all loved Paul Newman.

They went without me.

They met Paul Newman and his son, Scott, while skiing. I don't remember details but he invited the girls to have lunch with him and his son. As the story goes, Suzi, the daughter of Peter Marshall, led the conversation. Sandy, the cheerleader probably chimed in a great deal. Lori, the daughter of the character actor said she just sat there, speechless, with tears running down her face; she was that overwhelmed. I remember that part exactly because Lori was drop dead gorgeous, Farrah-style, but shy. I don't think they had much to say about his son, who died tragically of a drug overdose a few years later. But Mr. Newman was charming and friendly. He flipped them the peace sign when he said goodbye. They groaned in unison but...whatta ski trip! Whatta man! What a memory.

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